I am including some information along with the rank. There will be 2 numbers after the game's title: the first is my game grade(1-10) in context of when it came out. The second is what I'd grade the game today. I would also like to point out that when I talk about "Graphics" I am also talking about the original versions, as the remake graphics of FF1 and FF2 are really really nice, and the 3D versions of 3 and 4 are pretty good
Also, I will try to keep vague on my spoilers.
11. Final Fantasy 8 (5) (3)
Final Fantasy 8 is the only "bad" rated game on my list of Final Fantasy games. It got good marks for visual world design and the impressive sound track, but is dead last in having a horrible story. Story is my most important factor in a Final Fantasy, and I much more enjoy the almost non-existent story of Final Fantasy 1 to the horrible story of Final Fantasy 8. Characters could have saved the game for me, but my "last big hope" was Irvine, and then he turned out to be the biggest wuss of all. Gameplay failures include: Junction Magic, Weapon crafting, level scaled enemy difficulty, lack of exploring on the final disc. I dislike 8 so much that I feel bad that the 10th spot is near it, because the game in the 10th spot is good. Why do I rate it lower now? Well the graphics were too ambitious for its time. While FF7's dated graphics are cute and funny, and the 16 bit era games are "retro cool" pixel art, FF8 just looks like a bunch of jagged spikey non-descript stick figures. With Vagrant Story and Metal Gear Solid showing you can have decent polygon characters in this era, it just embarrasses the FF8 team.
10. Final Fantasy 1 (10) (5)

9. Final Fantasy 2 (8) (5)

8. Final Fantasy 5 (7) (6)

(note: I have played through the game on the PS1 and the GBA, and my view of the translations of both stands; the translations are crap)
7. Final Fantasy 10 (8) (6)
This Final Fantasy title is the nomad of my list. It keeps going up and down in stature as time goes and I can not decide. It will likely stay lower from now on as I feel Final Fantasy 13 did everything that X set out to do, except it did it much better, leaving me to rely only on its story and characters, something it lacks. In fact, its character designs and characters in general are probably my least favorite cast aside from 8. At least 8's characters looked like they belonged in the world and fit "together". Final Fantasy 10's characters looks like they were created separately and thrown together for the hell of it. Its characters, and indeed the game, is somewhat saved by Auron, who would rank high on list of "most badass characters" in games. The game gets extra high marks for its pre-rendered cut-scenes and its musical score, which it ranks near the top. Its beginning and ending is also ranked high, previously being my favorite ending to a Final Fantasy, though now it is behind both 12 and 13. The beginning with the Blitzball invasion by Sin is still my favorite beginning to a Final Fantasy. The song, "Otherworld", was perfect for it, I just wish the game kept that energy throughout.
6. Final Fantasy 4 (10) (8)
Final Fantasy 4(known as Final Fantasy II in US), was the first introduction to an epic plot to many JRPG fans in the United States. The epic story of redemption is still one of the best in video games, now only starting to show its age because of bad translation. There are, however, many translated parts that have survived and become much beloved. There is emotion in the script, something that can not be said about Final Fantasy 5's translation. It is a return to Final Fantasy 2's epic plot line with many supporting characters and overarching themes in the characters influencing their abilities(instead of a job class). When it came out, it was just as much a game changer as 7. It used advanced 16 bit graphics(particularly with the airships) and it went to places you never thought of. Like the first it blended Tech and Fantasy into what Final Fantasy always has been, a blend of the two(and it did not start with 7 like many purists will have you believe). I dock it points now because the graphics really need more detail in the overworld, and the translation stinks and is confusing. Still, unlike 5, 2 and 1, I'd recommend casual RPG players give it a go, its very very important in gaming culture.
(note: I have not played the 3D remake)
There we go, that's it for now. To recap:
FF 1, FF 2, FF5, FF10, FF4
Next up is my favorites list 1-5. Remember, this is my "Favorites" list, not any other person's. I'm not trying to argue with you and convince you to like them, like them in your own order.
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