Dawn of the 16 Bit
At the dawn of the 16-bit era the RPG was still a very niche market. If you had asked anyone I knew what RPG games there were at the time, they'd look at you blankly as the term was more used in PC-gaming circles. When looking at this early 16 bit era, we see Final Fantasy IV(2 US) get released and set the tone for the entire generation of RPG's. Its hard to overstate its importance in this era, and can easily be compared to Final Fantasy 7 in opening the doors wider to more releases. The majority of the RPG's to come in this era only come to NA/Euro after the success of Final Fantasy IV. These include:
-the interesting, yet flawed 7th Saga
-the overshadowed late NES game Dragon Warrior 4
-the cult hit Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
-the anime inspired and much beloved Lunar Silver Star Story
(pictured: 7th Saga's "mode 7" graphics during battle were impressive in its day)
Another huge influence was The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. While its debatable if its an RPG, you can not deny that it was the Zelda series that sparked the Adventure RPG sub-genre. By adding statistics, experience and levels to Zelda the "modern" adventure RPG was made. Due to Zelda's popularity we got several games we might not have otherwise gotten;
-the rarely mentioned Lagoon
-Euro-stuck Soul Blazer
-the mega popular Secret of Mana.
(The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past)

So by and large, that's the RPG exprience that we got over here from Japan. I will save my experiences and my final thoughts on it for the 4th and final post for this era. That means we have 2 more posts before the end of the era. Coming later will be the American RPG scene of this era(there's a dominant sub-genre), and then the stuff that stayed in Japan.
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